Note:If there are any errors, you will be transported directly to the page where the error occurred. Correct your data and review the rest of the form, then come back here and validate again.
✔ Your SPL file has been Successfully Validated.
➤ If you would like to submit the form to FDA using Pragmatic ESG, click on next arrow button.
➤ To save your work click on "Download" button.
This document is not eligible to be submitted through the Pragmatic Regulatory Submission - Transmission Service because of missing details. Ensure the following information is complete:
Registrant DUNS number
Registrant contact (additional contact)
The person signing and registrant contact should be the same, and the same and that is the person who has an approved application for the Pragmatic Regulatory Submission - Transmission Services.
you are submitting data to the federal government.
I am the authorized agent for the responsible person for this facility registration and I certify that the statements made in this facility registration, which I have entered and reviewed are true.